2018 Holy Week Devo-Monday


This year, for our Holy Week devotionals, we want to present five stories of people whose lives were transformed by Jesus. The message of Easter is that Jesus is triumphant—triumphant over sin and triumphant over death. That victory, that triumph, is seen in the transforming work that He does in our lives. Jesus alone has the power to transform us from sinners into saints, from spiritually dead to spiritually alive. As you read through these daily devotionals, our hope is that they will help you and your family prepare your hearts for Easter.


As you begin your journey through Holy Week, I want to leave you with the powerful words from the song “We Are Changed” by Joel Lindsay from this year’s Easter musical.


Some of us met Him on a hillside,

Some of us met Him at a well,

Some of us met Him when we touched His garment,

But all of us are here to tell;


We are changed, we are changed;

By the power of His presence we are changed.

Bodies healed and lives restored

With just one touch from the Lord,

And we will never, ever be the same.                                                                     

We are changed.


Pastor Aaron


Friday: The Return: We will be heirs to the PURPOSE forever

The events of Holy Week that we have been reflecting on together leave many of us simply amazed. What Jesus did, and fought through in obedience to his Father and to our benefit is a perfect picture of love. Through his life, death, and unfathomable resurrection, Jesus fulfilled the purpose that He was called to.  While the purpose has been fulfilled, the truth is that the impact of this week in history hasn’t faded, and will not fade for the rest of eternity.

As each of us encounter the Gospel message, the hope brought to the world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we are immediately affected by the change that this brings to our hearts. As we each have the opportunity to confess our sinfulness and declare our need for Jesus as Savior, the indwelling Holy Spirit begins changing us.  God literally begins the transformation process in our hearts!  The Scriptures remind us, though, that this moment of change in us, brought about by what Jesus did in this moment in human history, is not the end of the story.  Jesus’ promise that He is coming again is purposeful. He’s coming for his people, his church.


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“One Day the Trumpet Will Sound…” [Devotion for April 3]

Jesus’ resurrection is, without a doubt, the cornerstone of our faith. Without it, as Paul so powerfully said, we are without hope:
“And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” [1Corinthans 15:7-9]
The fruit and ultimate fulfillment of our resurrection hope is the Second Coming of Jesus. There are 318 references to Jesus’ Second Coming in the New Testament—roughly 1 out of every 13 verses mentions it, and nearly every moral command in the New Testament is somehow tied to His Second Coming. I am always moved by how Paul describes the Read more…

“One Day the Grave Could Conceal Him No Longer…” [Devotion for April 2]

What is the best piece of news you’ve heard lately?  In a world where “bad news” just involves turning on the evening news, I have a news flash for you that changes how you view everything else that you will hear today, tomorrow, or for that matter, for the rest of your life.

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the         Scriptures,  that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,  and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”        1 Corinthians 15:3-5

This message that the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth spells out not only what Jesus did, but also the eternal       significance of what He did and evidence for you to believe.

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“One Day They Led Him Up Calvary’s Mountain…” [Devotion for April 1]

“And being more anxious, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Luke 22:44)

I read recently in a devotional from Charles Spurgeon that he was made aware that with most people, when they are anxious and fearful, the blood flows away from the body towards the heart. In researching this further, I discovered our blood flows Read more…

“Jesus Came Forth to be Born of a Virgin…” [Devotion for March 31]

As we take time out each day this week to really focus in on Christ and what He did for us, we need to start by looking at how and why He came into this world. In the book of Genesis we see how God created this beautiful and perfect world. He brought light into darkness. I can’t even begin to imagine how beautiful and glorious it must have been. Unfortunately, we see that before long, darkness returned to the world through sin. But then we see in the Old Testament the promise of a Messiah given to the people from God. I love the words in Isaiah: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on Read more…

“Oh, Glorious Day!” [Devotion for March 30]

One of the great blessings of Holy Week is the opportunity you and I have to take time out of the typical routine to contemplate what it means to be a Resurrection People—what it really means that our hope as Christians is uniquely wrapped up in the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is true that every Sunday when we gather together as the church we are celebrating Jesus’ triumphant defeat of sin and death. Yet, during this special time of year, we have the unique joy of reminding ourselves that the resurrection is, should be, and MUST be more than mere theological ascent. The resurrection Read more…