Welcome to LFC!
We offer several opportunities for us to worship together:
We offer the opportunity to worship on Sundays at 9:30 AM. Coffee Fellowship follows the service. Sunday School for all ages starts at 10:45 AM. Nursery care, Jr. and Kid’s Church are available during the worship service.
We also offer an ONLINE option to worship and stay connected. Our live stream service is on Sundays at 9:30 AM. Please click on our weekly “Connection Points” for direct links to our Worship Service, Small Groups, Bible Studies, and Prayer Meeting. CONNECTION POINTS
Please call or email one of our Pastors if you need assistance or have questions about Lafayette Federated Church:
Interim Senior Pastor Glenn Cohrs: gcohrs@lfc.org, 973-383-4461
Pastor of Students Ryan Drew: rdrew@lfc.org, 973-383-4461
Please take a moment to fill out the Guest Welcome form on the right. If we
can serve you in any way, please let us know.