Big announcements can be a lot of fun. I enjoy watching the video posts on Facebook of all the creative ways people make their pregnancy announcements, engagement announcements, and other exciting announcements. Sometimes big announcements are best made with much flair and drama, like several “It’s a Boy” or “It’s a Girl” reveals that some couples in our church had this year. Sometimes, big announcements can just as effectively be made with a little more subtlety. The first public announcement of Dana and my engagement was made by our pastor at church who nonchalantly said, with a little grin, “And, by the way, you all might want to take a look at a little something on Dana’s finger.” No matter the form they take, big announcements have a way of changing the lives of everyone around them!
As you prepare to celebrate the truth and hope of the resurrection, I think it’s only fitting to ask yourself, “Am I continuing to proclaim the hope of that Easter morning announcement?” Good news should never be kept to yourself, especially the kind of good news that can change people’s lives and eternities! Who have you invited to come to church this Sunday? Who are you praying for that needs to know Jesus? How are you being intentional about being the hands and feet of Jesus at work or at school or in your neighborhood?
Jesus proclaimed the accomplishment of His purpose and mission through His resurrection. Let us fulfill our purpose and mission to share that Good News with everyone we know.
Pastor Aaron Robb